I Fell on my Face – The Mighty Have Fallen – Ezekiel Chapter 26

A few years ago, I did a detailed study in the book of Ezekiel. I’m going to be posting the prophetic insights from each chapter over the next little bit. If you want the full teaching, it’s available on my YouTube channel (link below):
👉🏼 God is manifesting his kingdom on earth. Will we press in for the glory or be distracted by the apparent prosperity of the wicked?
1. Jesus has already overcome.
Jesus is that “Rock” not cut with human hands described in Daniel 2:34. It started small and then filled the whole earth. Remember, 12 apostles turned the whole world upside down. Every major advance we have in our modern world was impacted and influenced by Christianity including science, culture, the arts and technology. Christianity also shifted the morality of many societies for the better. The influence of Christ here on earth is irrefutable. Jesus has already overcome. Don’t listen to the vocal minority declaring Christianity is dead and gone. “Good luck with that,” I say! Jesus promised the Church of Christ would prevail no matter what. The Church will not be silenced even if we go underground. The sound of true freedom will continue to resound in the earth.
2. Don’t get distracted.
In the midst of this global unrest, it’s important for us not to be distracted by the chaos and noise around us. The Church needs to hold its peace and be a light in dark places during dark times. We must be a beacon of hope.
The enemy only holds sway in this world because he has influence over the hearts of people. He is the god of this world but he is not the King of the earth. That role belongs to Adonai. If we are in Christ, we are no longer under the domain of darkness and sin’s dominion. So let’s not get distracted by the darkness. Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
3. The mighty have fallen and will continue to fall.
In Ezekiel 26, the prophet was lamenting over the mighty city of Tyre set to fall under God’s judgement. We have seen many leaders falling around the world (including Christian leaders). Don’t be shocked or surprised by this. (Originally prophesied February 9, 2022). None of this takes God by surprise and his hand is in this even though it is painful to watch (especially in the church).
Rather than getting upset about this, there is an invitation to get excited about what the Lord will do in all of this. As the darkness increases, the glory shines all the more. This also means our redemption is drawing closer.
4. Manifesting the kingdom is our main focus.
In the underground, persecuted church around the world, we would find the richest faith and the most fervent joy. They are a living epistle of great hope in gross darkness. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego of Daniel 3, they will NOT bow. We need steadfast hearts that understand manifesting the kingdom of God needs to be our main focus no matter what’s going on around us. Eyes on the prize 👀
Will we press in or stay distracted?

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