I Fell on my Face – This is a Lamentation – Ezekiel Chapter 19

A few years ago, I did a detailed study in the book of Ezekiel. I’m going to be posting the prophetic insights from each chapter over the next little bit. If you want the full teaching, it’s available on my YouTube channel (link below):
👉🏼 We feel deeply because God feels deeply. Will we align with his heart for the nations?
1. History is God’s answer to man’s questions.
This is a difficult season to walk through. So much turbulence and chaos. God is real and he is serious about his business. What’s described in Ezekiel 19 is not just recorded in scripture, it is recorded history. It is not just quaint history. History IS God’s answer to man’s questions. If we follow the thread of history, we will see God answering us. He may not respond in the way we are expecting or prefer but he DOES answer us through history.
Are we willing to learn the lessons of history?
2. God’s redemptive plan is given in WRITING and SEALED in blood.
God’s redemptive plan is ALWAYS evident, even in the midst of destruction. It broke God’s heart to allow destruction to his people (as Ezekiel prophesied). Remember, their sin was heinous and included child sacrifice to the god Molech. This was a horrendous practice of placing an infant on a molten metal idol that was superheated. This is what it meant when scripture says they allowed their children to “pass through the fire”. How heartbreaking 💔
God’s judgement on Jerusalem was very strong indeed but when viewed through the lens of their sin, it was just. Wouldn’t we expect God to judge child sacrifice and idolatry amongst other sins? Don’t forget, that God’s heart was completely broken.
Remember mercy triumphs over judgement. When we are given space to repent and we fail to do this, justice MUST come. Even in justice and the judgment, there is always a redemption. We will see this in the latter chapters of Ezekiel. When we see justice and judgement come, we need to look more broadly at the plan of God which is ALWAYS redemptive.
Praise God his redemptive plan is in writing. It is written! From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is ALL about God’s redemptive plan for humanity. It is a covenant sealed in the precious blood of the Lamb–Jesus Christ. It is so much more than a contract with rules and loopholes. It is a covenant that is unbreakable. Do you want to know where your redemption is? It’s in the pages of the Word of God.
3. It’s time to lament for the nations…
The Lord is calling us to lament for the nations as the judgement of God is poured out. God lamented over Jerusalem. We must do the same for our nation and the church. Let your heart break for the nations, even if it is just for your nation. Remember the groaning and deep sorrow moves the heart of God. Remember the promise is the remnant shall ALWAYS be saved!
Will we align with his heart for the nations?

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