A few years ago, I did a detailed study in the book of Ezekiel. I’m going to be posting the prophetic insights from each chapter over the next little bit. If you want the full teaching, it’s available on my YouTube channel at this link:
👉🏼 Question: Can we declare with the Lord the high places in the Church are coming down?
1. Be careful of “comfortable” prophecies.
There is a big difference between prophesying edification, exhortation and comfort as opposed to something that’s comfortable. We are in a very uncomfortable season globally (particularly in the West). Watch out for people prophesying ‘comfortable’. It is false. Comfort is not the same as comfortable.
“But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.”
1 Corinthians 14:3 NKJV
2. The world doesn’t recognise he IS the Lord–ADONAI.
The world does not see him as Supreme Master–ADONAI–but they are in for a surprise. The terror of the Lord is coming upon the world. Those of us who are hidden in him must understand that we need to get a fresh revelation of the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is returning to the Church. This is a GOOD thing. It must come upon the house of God FIRST before it comes upon the nations. We must put aside complacency. We must fall on our faces.
“Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.”
2 Corinthians 5:11 NKJV
3. Idolatry offends God.
We must understand the serious nature of the sin of idolatry. We must have nothing sitting on the throne of our hearts that we ask permission of before we do the will of the Lord.
4. There is a small, faithful remnant of the church of God today.
This is right across the broader church. The majority of the organised church today has fallen into liberalism. That high place is coming down in the name of Jesus! Progressive Christianity is old news. Come out of that deception. If you are in a church that is not preaching the full gospel of Jesus Christ, get out! The Lord is removing lampstands in this season. Watch and see major churches shut down because they are not preaching the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. (I prophesied this in May 2021). They are playing the harlot and committing spiritual adultery. The harlot of Revelation 17 is not Babylon. It is the apostate church.
Those who are heralds of righteousness and standing for truth, though we feel few, remember we are many. There are more for us than against us. Truth is not relative. It is absolute. It does not change whether we believe it or not. It is not a concept. It’s a PERSON. Any church preaching anything else but Jesus being the ONLY way to the Father, let them be anathema!
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4 NKJV
5. What are we guilty of in the Church today that makes God just as angry as he was with Israel?
6. Let’s partner with heaven to see the high places of idolatry destroyed in the church today.
Are you with me?