I Fell on my Face – Measured – Ezekiel Chapter 41

A few years ago, I did a detailed study in the book of Ezekiel. I’m going to be posting the prophetic insights from each chapter over the next little bit. If you want the full teaching, it’s available on my YouTube channel (link below):
👉🏼 We are tasked to speak life and bring kingly dominion, especially in darker seasons. Will we submit to the measuring process, bringing everything into divine alignment?
1. What does it mean to be measured in these days?
Will we submit to being measured in these present days? I have called this study “Measured” because of the man in the temple measuring its dimensions in Ezekiel 41. I want to make measurement in light of the New Covenant clear. Many people stumble over the language of Ezekiel because of the judgement–the doom and the gloom. Judgement for a Christian is different from those outside of Christ. Let’s be clear, in Christ, we are outside of the judgement of God that is we are outside of eternal judgment and wrath. However, we are still bound to personal responsibility (according to Ezekiel 18). This is what we do with what we have here in THIS life. It has nothing to do with eternal judgment.
The Hebrews of this period (pre-exile) had no concept of eternity in hell. It was not something they understood. That’s why Jesus had to speak about it so much in his earthly ministry. They did not have a big concept or a developed view of the afterlife. Ezekiel chapter 18 warns the soul that sins will die. This was not talking about eternal judgment. It was speaking about personal responsibility in this life. What do we do now with what we have been given?
We need to filter everything we read in the Old Testament through the lens of the cross. The cross ultimately is God’s revelation to humanity. In terms of being measured, we are not speaking of sin-consciousness. Sin was dealt with at the cross. (I’m not downplaying the seriousness of sin. It has its own consequences). What we engage with now is being convicted of our righteousness. Being measured in these days has not got anything to do with personal sin. The measuring is about what we are doing with what God has given us. How are we stewarding our gifts? This is why we are tested in this season. We will have to give an account one day for what we have done in this life with what has been given to us. Are we building a legacy in the Kingdom that will outlive us?
2. As priests unto God, we are created to bring life and kingly dominion (the man and the lion face).
Like Ezekiel, we are priests. We are new covenant priests after the order of Melchizedek (Jesus–prophet, priest and King). We are created to bring life and kingly dominion. That is both the man and the lion face that we see in Ezekiel chapter 41. In this season, the church has been called into highlighting and emphasising the role of the priest, most especially in the five-fold ministry. The words that we speak must have life and kingly dominion. We exercise this dominion by bringing heaven down and exercising our priestly duty unto God and others. The priest acts as a mediator. I suppose you could see it as us being Jesus’ hands and feet while we are here on earth. We are speaking life. We are bringing life and we are exercising our kingly dominion.
3. Let incense arise!
In Ezekiel 41, there was a table placed before the Lord that represented the prayers of God’s people. This is a season where we need to let incense arise around the clock. We need to have something on the altar at all times. This is the perpetual sacrifice on the altar I spoke about in chapter 40. These are our prayers. This does not mean that we need to sit down and pray all day long. Prayer without ceasing to me means keeping an ongoing dialogue with the Lord. It’s a backward and forward conversation between you and the Lord. Just as the table of incense was before the Holy of Holies, as we continue beholding him, those things that he’s placed within us will naturally come out of us. We are going to speak life. We are naturally going to exercise our kingly dominion because being with him and allowing his love to wash over us makes us brave. We can be strong, brave lions in the face of whatever is ahead. No matter what’s happening in the world, we can stand and keep on standing in the evil day. Let that incense arise before the Lord continuously. We are going to find that refreshment in this season will continue to be poured out upon us as we praise God.
Are we willing to be measured and aligned?

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