I Fell on my Face – All on the Altar – Ezekiel Chapter 40

A few years ago, I did a detailed study in the book of Ezekiel. I’m going to be posting the prophetic insights from each chapter over the next little bit. If you want the full teaching, it’s available on my YouTube channel (link below):
👉🏼 Jesus is the Man in the midst of us. He is the Gate. Are we ready to cross the threshold with him into the new?
1. He is beckoning us to the new. It’s time to cross the threshold…
Jesus is the man standing at the doorway inviting us in. He’s beckoning us to cross the threshold. This threshold requires a sacrifice. This means the laying down of everything that we hold dear to follow him into what he’s asking us to do–into the new.
2. We are in a season of intense purification to prepare for what is coming.
* Originally prophesied June 1, 2022.
Just as the sacrifices in the temple, and the sons of Zadok in particular, were going through this ritual purification in Ezekiel chapter 40, we are in a season of intense purification right across the board. This is happening because the Lord is preparing our hearts for what’s coming. He’s preparing us for the glory that’s about to pour out on our land. If our hearts are not right, we will not be able to carry the glory of God. Adonai in his mercy withholds his glory until we’ve been through this purification purpose. This means putting it all on the altar. Once we do this, we see what he’s about to bring to our land.
3. The sons of Zadok.
A revelation of who the sons of Zadok are is extremely important for this coming season. The Lord has asked me to raise a Zadokite prophetic company. The release of this is not far off now. The sons of Zadok are righteous men. In the book of Ezekiel, they are the only priests permitted to come near and minister to the Lord, we will be looking at more of this in Ezekiel chapter 44.
4. Keep a perpetual sacrifice on the altar.
The ultimate thing I want to leave you with here is the altar. In the final chapters of Ezekiel, sacrifices were being made in the renewed temple. I want to encourage you to have a perpetual sacrifice burning on the altar. I’m not talking about being sin-conscious or worrying about being under condemnation. I am speaking of our flesh being placed on the altar every day. It is a perpetual sacrifice. We need to lay down what the Lord is asking us to lay down today. All on the altar. The Lord is releasing hectic favour on those of us who have put things down that hurt us–pains and disappointments, things that didn’t work out the way we thought they would–in this past season. We have pioneered ahead with what God has asked us to do despite it all. God is blessing this. There is fire on the altar of this pleasing sacrifice of the flesh. What is he asking you to lay on the altar? Thank him for what he is doing because we are on the threshold. Jesus is beckoning us into the new thing. We just need to let go of the old. Release the shackles of the past season and step into the new thing.
Are our lives all on the altar?

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